Category Archives: Cleveland

Cleveland’s see you. Drop Debut Single “Doom or Bloom”

Hey all, remember me?

There’s a new melodic punk/emo band emerging out of Cleveland called see you. Featuring Van DeFilippo (ex-Dead Leaves) and Justin Vaughn (Low Morale), this band’s got a fun style that compares to a younger The Get Up Kids, less sad Saves the Day, and even hint at some Strike Anywhere.

They recently dropped “Doom or Bloom” and I have to tell you all, this is great. The track was recorded with Dave Piatek (No Pressure, Light Years) and is streaming everywhere.

Check out the lyric video and see for yourself!

Bandcamp: ?? Doom or Bloom | see you. (
Other Links: see you. links | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Concert Review: Hot Water Music, Quicksand, Tim Barry | House of Blues | Cleveland, OH | 06/14/2024

If someone were to ask me how old I was when I first got into Hot Water Music, I would tell you I have no idea because it feels like they have been with me for most of my life. The amount of times that band hits my ears is likely excessive, but if you are a fan, you totally understand why.

I was slightly thrown back when I learned earlier this year, they were playing Cleveland in celebration of being a band for 30 years. Three freaking decades of being one of the most prolific punk bands out there. Wild.

To make things even more amazing with their anniversary tour, they announced special guests Tim Barry and Quicksand would be playing Cleveland. There was no way in hell I was going to miss that. Thanks to an old pal, I even was able to snag a photo pass to make it even more memorable by capturing the night.

Seeing Hot Water Music, Quicksand, and Tim Barry on a Friday night in downtown Cleveland was the best way to start the weekend. Outside there were boomers rocking their Rolling Stones shirts a night early to the show they probably spent more than they should have and just tons of other people were enjoying their evening with food and music on Euclid and around E. 4th.

I can tell you through that they all missed out on the best time inside good ol’ House of Blues. The best part was that it was not overcrowded and there were people of all ages in attendance. Worst part was that there was one dude doing merch for all three bands – nice dude, but come on, nothing beats not waiting in line. Back in my day we cut people to get our merch because we had the cash ready… Ok, I am done being grandpa punk.

Tim Barry started the night off to a slew of adoring fans. Armed with his trusty guitar, he came out and did what he does best. I loved that he played “Dog Bumped” with fans singing along, but the best was “Fine Foods Market” when everyone shouting appropriately how fine they were. Storytelling folk punk rock doesn’t get much more entertaining than Barry. He had a great span of tracks from his solo career, but I personally would have loved to have heard more.

Did I wish I was seeing Avail? Well yes, but seeing Barry live is one of my favorite things as I adore this dude.

Now I have been a fan of Quicksand for a long time now, but never had the chance to see them play. Seeing them rip through songs like “Omission”, “Inversion” and “Brown Gargantuan” had me in pure awe. They sounded amazing and, for a brief moment while I was in the photo pit, I just stood there and stared almost forgetting what I was supposed to be doing there for the first three songs.

I love how happy Walter Schreifels and Sergio Vega were on stage. They were just getting into their songs and eating up the crowd’s reaction. They were certainly well-received by almost everyone there.

Walter, Alan, and Sergio had no problem delivering one hell of a set. I hope some of the younger generation at that venue who may had never heard of this post-hardcore band went home and did their homework. My only complaint is I wished they were able to play a proper set. I understand they were a special guest so their time was limited, but come on, it is freaking Quicksand. Hopefully they will come back again soon.

Chuck Ragan and the rest of Hot Water Music took stage just around 10p kicking things off with “Menace”, a new track off their latest release with Chris Cresswell helping with strong vocals.

I about lost my shit when they moved into “Remedy”, perhaps my all-time favorite Hot Water Music track. Once again, I may have froze in that photo pit for a moment as the 25-yeal-old me was freaking the hell out. Needless to say, I was loving every moment of that track.

One cool part of the night was when Ragan paused and offered thanks not only to his band and stagehands but also to the entire venue crediting it not possible to have lasted this long in the business without their help.

The band played “After the Impossible” after admitting they had not played it live yet. They all took a moment to look at one another and just tore into it. I am not sure about the rest of the folk in the house, but it sounded good.

A memorable part of the evening was when Ragan started talking about reaching out for help if you are in a dark place and admitted when he wrote the song he was about to play that he was in a very bad state of mind. He encouraged people to talk about it and not hold it in. Moments later he broke into “Drag My Boy” and I got chills.

I was thrilled they played “Trusty Chords” but it was their last song that just turned a great evening, into the perfect evening.

As they were thanking everyone for coming out, a stagehand ran out with a mic stand and picked up the mic that was on the ground. They broke into “Simple Song” with Tim Barry. I am fairly certain everyone in attendance sang along. I cannot tell you how thrilled I was to hear Barry sing that Avail song. Looked like I got some of that wish that I wanted.

No lie, this was one of the best nights of music I have had in a while. Three of my favorite bands playing their hearts out. It does not get much better than that.

Here are a few photos I was able to take. I love I get to do this. Enjoy.

Album Review: Hunden – A Calming Press

I will be the first to admit I have not been that great about tossing out reviews and whatnot. If this one makes it to your eyes, then I am one stoked music lover. It kills me it’s already March and this is my first post of the year, but I write this with the best intentions.

Cleveland’s Hunden is a fuzz-heavy, riff-supreme threesome that, upon listening to their debut, forced me to dust off the keyboard and just hammer out something to talk about it.

Dare I mention they are a Northeastern Ohio supergroup in a sense?

Featuring Toby Reif (Sidekicks, Orbits), Nick Schmitt (Harvey Pekar), and Adam Peduch (Two Hand Fools, Heart Attack Man), Hunden already had my attention the moment I heard anything given their history with the local music scene.

It was no shocker how “Escape Trajectory” pretty much blew out the speakers. The track was just brutal from the start and Reif enough supplied vocal angst that had me thinking of Hum and Helmet. Then “Subtext” came on that was more aligned with Sunny Day Real Estate.

“Healer” carried so many Cave In vibes it was not even funny. Technical and catchy with brute force. Stephen Brodsky, take note of these guys… Seriously, this track is just so together and produced perfectly.

And it is not just all fuzz and riffs, but there sure is a ton and it is amazing. “A Calming Press” has softer moments with piano, but soon just ramps back up. “Prix Fixe” was beyond superb with its ups and downs.

A Calming Press clocks in at just under 30 minutes, but it just smacks right into you barely giving you a moment to breathe. Given where these guys came from, it certainly is a new avenue to tackle musically, and they succeeded in doing so.

Let me be clear, I am 47 years old and thrilled bands like Hunden still get me all sorts of amped up. I cannot wait to see these dudes play No Class on March 22nd with post-hardcore screamers Brain Cave. Hunden has the potential to turn some major heads with this release, I promise you, totally worth the listen.


Friday, March 22, 2024

Brain Cave
Consumer Culture
Bar Show
Cost: $10
Doors: 8pm
Age Limit: All Ages
Tickets: At The Door

Concert Review: Kali Masi, Sam Russo, Tane Graves [Tightwire] @ Hatfield’s | Cleveland, OH | 22-OCT-2022

A strange series of events led to a very chill, quaint punk show last night at Hatfield’s in Westpark.

Flashback to a couple of days ago when my pal Nick reached out to me asking if I was still going to see Kali Masi and Sam Russo still. I responded that I would not miss it for the world, and he was quick to tell me the show was sold out and they were not able to get tickets.

I jumped online to see what I could find out, because no offence to the bands, but this was not a show I was anticipating to even come close to selling out. Do not get me wrong, the three acts on the bill are some of my favs, but I was expecting to just snag a ticket at the door.

Sure enough, Hatfield’s had posts saying the show was sold out and that they were actually moving it from upstairs to the main floor. I was floored to see this and highly excited too, but still was wondering what was going on so I reached out to not only Kali Masi, but also Toby at Red Scare to see if the show really was sold out.

Kali Masi pretty much asked me what the hell I was talking about and laughed. Toby said he would get back to me, and he did as promised soon thereafter. Both confirmed with me the show was not sold out and to head up to the venue as planned. Hatfield’s even responded to my pal’s wife saying they had opened up some tickets so they were able to grab a few.

Apparently, bots bought all of the tickets being sold by Hatfield’s online. This is a common trend these days where tickets are bought up by bots and then resold for more money. One might think this is a good thing overall, but the inconvenience and slight stress this put on Hatfield’s and even the acts was a true bummer.

Hatfield’s staff scrambled thinking they were going to have a full house and rearranged their business to accommodate. A vacation was cut short, staff was bulked up, and a lot of time and effort was put into preparing for the show. Sadly, a lot of this was not necessary at all.

In the end though, I think it was a nice shift from expected calamity to an intimate evening of amazing music. The fans that showed up were truly stoked to be there and Hatfield’s accommodated the hell out of everyone in the house.

Ken Hatfield, the owner of the venue/eatery, kept joking all night about the bots in the house. He even took a moment to show me the list of names on his phone who bought tickets and just laughed at how crazy the whole experience was. He credited the whole bot experience likely with the Kali Masi rockumentary that has been getting a lot of attention on YouTube lately.

The result was almost 200 tickets bought by bots, and a handful of fans showing up to take in the show. I have to give it to the staff at Hatfield’s, they took it in stride and handled it well.

So yeah, that was a little odd, right? The show was far from sold out and I am hoping to hell all those tickets that were purchased by the bots are not disputed down the way because this whole ordeal caused a ton of work that was not exactly necessary.

Anyways, felt I should share that given how unique the situation was.

Bots or not, the show was great. It was certainly not a late one, but enjoyable by everyone who attended.

Tane Graves of the amazing band Tightwire took the stage and also was the first person to play on the venue’s new PA system. Blasting through a handful of songs and even a proper Blink 182 cover, he performed like there was a full house in front of him and showed gratitude to this tourmates and also the venue.

The funny thing about Sam Russo is that he was supposed to play Hatfield’s well over a year ago with Brenden Kelly, but Covid had other ideas and forced him to sit that tour out. I thought it was only proper that he was able to play the stage in time and honestly, I have been looking forward to that moment for a long time.

I’ve been a huge fan of Russo since he started playing music almost 10 years back. His folk/punk, storytelling is what captured my attention and I was not the only one. I saw a few other fans singing along through Russo’s set and taking it in.

Hearing “Sometimes” and “Runaways” pretty much made my night. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you need to probably change that. This guy is pretty damn talented. He also learned that what he called fence-talking is called shit-talking here in the states.

Russo was easily the most humble musician I have had the pleasure of meeting. We chatted briefly after the show and the dude was just as real as they come. He was so excited to be on tour with a couple of his favorite bands and was excited to head down and play Fest. I really had hoped more people showed up to take in this amazing Englishman, but there is always next time.

Kali Masi took the stage and Sam Porter was quick to make mention he was not feeling hot and the set was going to be less than what was planned. He credited his illness to possible gas station food that he grabbed on their commute from Chicago to Cleveland. Poor guy looked like he was hurting and I was impressed he even decided to play a few songs.

In a sense, a six song set was a bummer, but also looking at things differently, if by taking it easy for one night so Porter could rest and feel better meant a cut set, that honestly is acceptable. I know these guys will be back again soon.

I was happy to hear them play “Sputter”, “Powerline Days”, and “Some Friends”, and they sounded killer, so zero complaints here. I was just happen to have even had the change to check them out finally.

After the show I decided to snag merch from everyone to just help kick off the tour and give them a bit more room in their van too. Everyone was friendly as hell and not an ounce of disappointment was seen. I think having that relaxed evening did everyone some good.

I will say I had an old man moment and could not remember if I have [LAUGHS] already on vinyl. I even made mention to John Garrison, the drummer that I for the life of me could not remember if I had it. He was quick to reminder me I can always hit up their Bandcamp, Well, I checked this morning, and sure as hell I do not have it. So looks like I will need to be securing a copy of that soon.

It certainly was a night that will not be forgotten anytime soon. I am just glad the show went on and everyone enjoyed themselves. That is what it is all about, right?

Concert Review: Lagwagon, Grumpster, Heart & Lung – Mahall’s | Lakewood, OH | 21-SEP-2022

Lagwagon has been a punk rock staple when it comes to music for me since my teenage years. When they announced they were touring to celebrate “30-ish” years as being a band tour with a stop in Cleveland, it was a no-brainer for me to make sure I was there.

I was shocked yet stoked they were playing Mahall’s and not another Cleveland venue. I knew it was going to be more of an intimate performance within a small club. I couldn’t have been more right, the night was everything I could have wanted as a fan.

Lagwagon is a California punk band that started in the late 80s. I’d assume you have probably heard of them if you are reading this, so really there is nothing much more to say other than they rule. They have toured the world over and over and have a fanbase like none other.

For a Wednesday night, the club filled up pretty quick just after 8 and people wasted no time drinking all the hipster beers made available at the bar. I was impressed to see so many folk slamming Black Labels there. Back in my day we drank that shit because it was like $3 a 6-pack.

I should as well add that people of all ages were at this show. Young and old combined to see a band that had a major impact on their lives and I for once did not feel like grandpa punk.

Cleveland sweethearts Heart & Lung opened the show and warmed up the crowd with their catchy ass pop punk fun and never-ending humor. By the time their set was done, a few strings were broken, maybe 1 or 2 egos were diminished within the band, but the club was packed with people who really enjoyed their set.

Grumpster, as bassist/vocalist Donnie Walsh explained: “spelled G-R-U-M-P-S-T-E-R”, were just awesome. I recently got into this up and coming Cali punk act and will say they gave it their all. The place was packed as they busted through song after song and everyone seemingly was eating it up. I can see why Lagwagon asked them to play some shows with them.

Lagwagon finally took the stage and the place was just packed and everyone lost their shit the second they started playing. I seriously felt like I went back in time for a moment there and was living my teenage years all over again. What a feeling.

I may have geeked out slightly seeing Joe Raposo (he’s played in Mad Caddies) playing bass as well as marveled at Chris Flippin just shredding away mere feet in front of me. Joey Cape, however, was mostly the focal point as he went through a decent set of songs spanning over the band’s career.

Standing close to the pit, I sang along as almost everyone else did there and for a brief moment, I let my guard down and immediately someone fell/slammed into me almost knocking me off my feet. This was the one time I am glad that mirror pillar to the left of the stage existed as I quickly grabbed onto it and saved myself from falling onto the ground. I cannot say others were ask lucky as the fans were letting loose and recapturing their younger years. All in good fun.

The setlist included so many great songs including “Violin”, “Sleep”, and even “Mr. Coffee.” I tried hard to keep a record of them all, but honestly I just was sucked into the night and wasn’t taking too many mental notes. Sometimes a fan just needs to be a fan.

The “encore” was humorous as 1/2 of the band left the stage while others kind of just hung out explaining to the crowd what was happening. Cape stole Flippin’s guitar while who left for a moment and started playing “Alien 8” solo only for the big man to come back and almost lift him off the stage by the guitar strap as Cape tried to continue to play.

Ending the night with “May 16”, the band concluded a night I know personally I needed. It wasn’t cut short, people were living it up, and best of all there were so many smiles in the crowd. If you were not having a good time at this show, there was clearly something wrong with you.

Cape said it best “we wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you” as he closed out the night in a most humble way. It was true, the band’s success was based off the fans and on a Wednesday night in Cleveland, it was apparent that many of the fans came out to celebrate over three decades of the band doing their thing. What a wild night.